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cost to cost_英汉汉英专业词典查询

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cost to cost”的查询结果
编号 词典 详情
34742 decision theory approach to cost control 新英汉石油技术词典 详情>>
81830 market-to-cost method 新英汉石油技术词典 详情>>
205384 applying cost ratio to ending inventory 会计师英汉词典 详情>>
205385 applying factory overhead cost to products 会计师英汉词典 详情>>
207506 base of relationship to the cost of unit 会计师英汉词典 详情>>
208023 benefit to cost relationship 会计师英汉词典 详情>>
214557 conversion of cost of sales to cash disbursement 会计师英汉词典 详情>>
214925 cost applicable to construction revenue 会计师英汉词典 详情>>
214929 cost approach to value 会计师英汉词典 详情>>
215298 cost relevant to alternative choices 会计师英汉词典 详情>>
215326 cost to cost 会计师英汉词典 详情>>
215327 cost to date 会计师英汉词典 详情>>
215328 cost to government 会计师英汉词典 详情>>
215329 cost to lease 会计师英汉词典 详情>>
215330 cost to make and sell 会计师英汉词典 详情>>
215331 cost to sell 会计师英汉词典 详情>>
216887 decision theory approach to cost control 会计师英汉词典 详情>>
217867 design to cost 会计师英汉词典 详情>>
217868 design to cost technique 会计师英汉词典 详情>>
3704719 adjustability of cost in response to changing output 商务英汉词典 详情>>
3707027 analysis of the general situation with respect to implementing the finished product cost plan 商务英汉词典 详情>>
3707611 applying cost ratio to ending inventory 商务英汉词典 详情>>
3707612 applying factory overhead cost to products 商务英汉词典 详情>>
3710846 base of relationship to the cost of unit 商务英汉词典 详情>>
3711529 benefit to cost relationship 商务英汉词典 详情>>
3722493 conversion of cost of sales to cash disbursements 商务英汉词典 详情>>
3723114 cost applicable to construction revenue 商务英汉词典 详情>>
3723117 cost approach to value 商务英汉词典 详情>>
3723481 cost relevant to alternative choices 商务英汉词典 详情>>
3723511 cost to cost 商务英汉词典 详情>>
3723512 cost to date 商务英汉词典 详情>>
3723513 cost to lease 商务英汉词典 详情>>
3723514 cost to make and sell 商务英汉词典 详情>>
3723515 cost to sell 商务英汉词典 详情>>
3726024 decision theory approach to cost control 商务英汉词典 详情>>
3727410 design to cost 商务英汉词典 详情>>
4165123 ratio of feed cost to milk sold 农牧林英汉词典 详情>>
4753833 C.I.F.L.T.,c.i.f.l.t.|cost,insurance,freight,London Terms,similar to C.I.F.(cost insurance and freight) 海运英汉词典 详情>>
4769018 cost,insurance,freight,London Terms,similar to C.I.F.(cost insurance and freight) 海运英汉词典 详情>>
4817811 interest charged to cost 海运英汉词典 详情>>
5338770 decision theory approach to cost control 石油英汉词典 详情>>
5391696 market-to-cost method 石油英汉词典 详情>>
5557220 allocation of common cost to joint products 经贸英汉词典 详情>>
5557225 allocation of cost to revenue 经贸英汉词典 详情>>
5558599 applying cost ratio to ending inventory 经贸英汉词典 详情>>
5558600 applying factory overhead cost to products 经贸英汉词典 详情>>
5562339 base of relationship to the cost of ounit 经贸英汉词典 详情>>
5563202 benefit to cost relationship 经贸英汉词典 详情>>
5575106 conversion of cost of sales to cash disbursements 经贸英汉词典 详情>>
5575689 cost applicable to construction revenue 经贸英汉词典 详情>>